
h2 Suitable for users with different needs

SafeDataUK’s two different client applications, Online Backup Manager (OBM) and A-Click Backup (ACB), come with different features and functionalities to satisfy the backup needs of different users.

Online Backup Manager (OBM) One-Click Backup
No. of backup set Unlimited 1
Backup Schedule
- Continuous data protection
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly -
- Yearly -
- Multiple schedules -
- 128-bit / 256-bit
- Configurable by end-user -
Available Module
- Microsoft Exchange Server -
- Brick Level Mail Backup -
- Microsoft SQL Server -
- Lotus Domino/Notes -
- Oracle -
- MySQL -
- In-File Delta (Simple)
- In-File Delta (Advanced) -
- Mircosoft Volume Shadow Copy
Retention Policy
- Simple
- Advanced -
- Pre/post-backup command -
- Simple backup filter
- Advanced backup filter -
- Logout reminder
- Offline backup reminder
- Local copy -
- Web restoration
- Supported languages 26 26
Applicable Hardware Server / NAS / PC / Mac Server / PC / Mac